

Doctors as Voices of Reason
Fighting For Your Medical Freedom


Fantasy vs Reality – Why reality will prevail, and America will see a national recovery from fear in 2022 Jan 27, 2022

I began the year 2021 in a state of despondency. We had already suffered nearly nine months of abject misery—political, economic, psychological—ostensibly to keep us safe from an illness that was medically irrelevant to all but a fraction of one percent of the population. Despite the heavy price paid, we had still failed to protect the vulnerable, denying them real treatment that might have saved their lives. We were looking ahead to yet another year of school and business closures, mask mandates, and draconian travel restrictions. Worse, most Americans still believed the nonsense force-fed them by politicians, media, and large corporations. Foolishly, they had promised obeisance to an abusive guru who was molesting their bodies and robbing their wallets, yet they refused to break their oath of unquestioning loyalty to their new god, even if it killed them. The future looked bleak.

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NORWAY: Everyone Should be Exposed to Omicron and Other Viruses in Order to Acquire Immunity Feb 2, 2022

Look anywhere but America for medical truths. Obamacare politicized and weaponized the once greatest healthcare system in the world.

Translation from this MSN article:

‘Telling the truth from Norwegian Public Health to the government. Better to open up now so everyone can get infected as the vaccines given have some effect now against severe/ICU/deaths and not later.

Let it rip, which is easy as the virus is anyway unstoppable. This is clear logic. Vaccine protection against severe infection is decreasing every week rapidly. Those with two doses and not elderly/immunosuppressed will have use from the vaccine-induced B cells response, although less than natural infected, will protect them from severe outcome. Those triple vaccinated and elderly/immunosuppressed will also have some protection. The unvaccinated will have live vaccination from omicron from this unstoppable virus.

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Part I – Have Americans Needlessly Died from the ChiCom Virus? April 7 2021

Whom should you believe about the ChiCom virus? Government doctors, who have never directly treated patients, or independent physicians who actually treat people? We have seen the likes of government doctors with conflicts of interest such as Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx flip-flop on general guidance, recommendations, guidelines, and protocols over the past year. We may have also seen and/or heard a plethora of independent physicians providing contrary recommendations based on their own successes in prescribing therapeutics used to treat other viral infections for patients suffering from the novel coronavirus labeled “COVID-19,” as well as prophylaxis to bolster autoimmune systems to naturally counter the effects of the virus

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Obama AG Eric Holder Giddy About ‘Opportunity’ Coronavirus Presents To Make ‘Permanent’ Changes April 16 2020

For Democrats, every crisis is an opportunity.

The country has seen that repeatedly with the coronavirus pandemic, as Democratic governors throughout the country flex their political muscles to at the expense of constitutional rights, or when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to hold up the coronavirus relief package to stuff it full of Democratic priorities American voters don’t share.

But those, hopefully, are just passing battles, to be settled in the courtroom or on the legislative floor. For Democrats like former Attorney General Eric Holder, the coronavirus crisis is an opportunity to make changes to the American electoral system — permanently.

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Just for knowing, TOTAL US DEATHS in March 2020 are DOWN 15% from Average of Prior Four Years April 8 2020

According to data obtained from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Surveillance System website, total U.S. deaths for the first three weeks of March are DOWN 10% from the average of the prior four years for the same three week period.

The average for weeks 9 through 11 for the four prior years was a total of 170,555 deaths. For weeks 9 through 11 this year, the total is 153,015, meaning 17,540 fewer people died in America during the first three weeks of March than could be reasonably expected. And the gap between historic deaths and weekly deaths is widening. For week 11, just 47,655 Americans died, 8,773 and 15% fewer than the average for week 11 in the prior four years. And while data on week 12 is not complete, it is trending similar to week 11 and will likely be down by 15% (around 8,700 deaths less than expected) even though 1,919 COVID-19 deaths were reported (in week beginning 3/22).

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Media Begging for a ‘Second Wave’ June 19 2020

The media is churning out countless alarmist stories each day about the threat of COVID-19 and the dangers of societal reopening. “Risk of new lockdown rises with fear of second COVID-19 wave,” writes Reuters, as one example of the genre.

These stories generally incite, rather than inform. They cherry-pick facts and lack context. Only when the COVID picture is viewed in perspective are people able to make wise decisions about their actions. It should be safe for society to continue broadly reopening while directing resources to specific at-risk populations, such as nursing homes and prisons, which are more vulnerable.

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