Articles about Politics

China-Owned Paper Mocks Biden Administration After It Sent John Kerry to Talk Climate Change: ‘Quite Absurd’ Sep 4 2021

A state-owned Chinese newspaper ripped Biden administration climate envoy John Kerry this week after he met with a Chinese government official about climate change and emissions.

The Associated Press reported Kerry traveled to China where he and Vice Premier Han Zheng met virtually on Thursday.

Kerry said there is “no way” for a global approach to climate change without the “full engagement and commitment” of China, which is the world’s largest polluter.

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Elite Taliban unit wearing US gear appears to mock iconic American WWII photo Aug 21 2021

A Taliban fighting unit called the Badri 313 Battalion was spotted patrolling Afghanistan with U.S.-made gear, and posting one photo appearing to mock the iconic World War II photo, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. 

Propaganda videos posted this week on channels affiliated with the Taliban show soldiers in the little-known Badri 313 Battalion carrying U.S. and U.S. ally-made weapons and gear that appear to be stolen from allied militaries while patrolling parts of Kabul.

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Free Society Dwindles as Permission Requirements Grow Aug 16 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a bonanza for government officials, allowing them to extend authority that they then exercise with relatively little oversight or restraint in ways that would have been inconceivable in the past. It has accelerated the transformation of previously free societies into permission-based states, where things once done as a matter of right are now considered privileges to be dispensed or withheld by those in power. Case in point: the Biden administration reportedly discussed making travel within the United States conditional on vaccination status but is holding back out of fear that the public has yet to be sufficiently softened-up for such an intrusive restriction.

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California Mayor Caught Using Power To Enrich Herself – Then City Ethics Commission Lays Down The Law On Breed’s Violations Aug 5 2021

Another day, another local Democrat caught in her own web of schemes.

It never fails. If you turn your back on these politicians for just a minute, they will run amuck.

Apparently, some Democrats think the public service is a path to fame and fortune.

Often, we learn about local Democrats—in state and city government—who were caught breaking one rule or another.

But this time around, San Francisco’s mayor is in really hot water. And the city’s Ethics Commission is laying down the law.

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Eric Swalwell Didn’t Learn His Lesson with Chinese Spy, Now Seen Shirtless with a Camel After Middle East Special Interest Group Affair Explodes July 12 2021

There have been several embarrassing moments in California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell’s career.

There was the fact that he was the first of over two dozen major candidates to drop out of the Democratic presidential primaries in 2019.

There was that time everyone thought he passed gas in the middle of a live cable news interview and he actually responded to the allegations, which he adamantly denied, declaring, “It was not me!!!!” when asked by BuzzFeed for comment.

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Reverend Jesse Jackson Arrested In Washington D.C. – He And 20 Others Were Just Handcuffed For Obstruction June 25 2021

It seems Democrats are never happy. Even with Joe Biden in the White House (and Dems in control of Congress), the left still complains.

Everywhere you look, leftists continue to protest, cancel, and oppress. That’s especially true in D.C., where protests seem to take place every day.

Not that long ago, Democrats condemned a protest that got out of hand at the Capitol.

But more recently, a group of liberals gathered to start their own trouble.

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Pentagon Plans to Monitor Social Media of Military Personnel for Extremist Content May 17 2021

The military has previously balked at surveilling service members for extremist political views due to First Amendment protections.

As part of the Biden administration’s crackdown on domestic extremism, the Pentagon plans to launch a pilot program for screening social media content for extremist material, according to internal Defense Department documents reviewed by The Intercept, as well as a source with direct knowledge of the program.

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Nancy Pelosi Sent Spinning By Major Poll – Results Show That Nancy Is The “Most Unpopular Politician In The Country” Apr 27 2021

After losing the White House, Republicans quickly set their sights on one goal: retaking the House in 2022.

Considering the fact that Democrats lost some House seats during the 2020 election, the margin has narrowed significantly.

Now, it looks like a red wave could be building fast — and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s position could be in jeopardy.

A new internal survey of battleground congressional seats is cause for concern among Democrats.

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Nancy Pelosi Sent Spinning With Calls To Resign – Even Democrats Want Her Gone For Thanking Floyd For Sacrifice Apr 21 2021

Nancy Pelosi just made a big mistake—she pulled the mask off what this Floyd trial has really been about for her.

And Americans across the country, including Democrats, are furious with her.

It’s amazing, really, that more Americans don’t see through the shocking positions of Democrat leaders like Pelosi and Biden.

But many people saw through her latest comments, and they want her gone. Here’s what Pelosi said. From the Daily Wire:

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Seattle Council-member Suggests CHOP Shooting Death May Have Been a Right-Wing Attack June 21 2020

Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant issued a statement on Saturday about the shooting incident that occurred in the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) on Friday night which left one 19-year-old man dead and one critically injured. Sawant’s statement was published by local media outlet My Northwest, and can be viewed below.

At approximately 2:30 am on Saturday morning, two individuals were shot inside of CHOP. Police arrived to the scene after receiving reports of gun shots. According to My Northwest, a crowd stopped the police before they could get to the victims. Police were told later that “CHOP-medics” drove the victims to the Harborview Medical Center. where one later died.

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Obama AG Eric Holder Giddy About ‘Opportunity’ Coronavirus Presents To Make ‘Permanent’ Changes Apr 16 2020

For Democrats, every crisis is an opportunity.

The country has seen that repeatedly with the coronavirus pandemic, as Democratic governors throughout the country flex their political muscles to at the expense of constitutional rights, or when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to hold up the coronavirus relief package to stuff it full of Democratic priorities American voters don’t share.

But those, hopefully, are just passing battles, to be settled in the courtroom or on the legislative floor. For Democrats like former Attorney General Eric Holder, the coronavirus crisis is an opportunity to make changes to the American electoral system — permanently.

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Dick Morris: Beto’s Family Felony Mar 17 2019

Fifteen times between May 5, 2005, and October 6, 2006, an unidentified customer walked into Charlotte’s Furniture Store in El Paso, Texas — an establishment owned by Beto O’Rourke’s mother, sitting on a site partially owned by Beto himself — to buy furniture.

He must have needed a great many sofas and chairs. On each visit to the store, he spent between $22,000 and $50,000 in cash.

Over the year and a half, this unidentified customer dropped a cool $630,745 in cash shopping for furniture.

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Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush Jan 17 2017

There were ten times more air strikes in the covert war on terror during President Barack Obama’s presidency than under his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Obama embraced the US drone programme, overseeing more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency. A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush. Between 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries, according to reports logged by the Bureau.

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Shocking images from cameras on Texas-Mexico border show a steady stream of illegal immigrants sneaking into the United States with packages of drugs and guns Apr 17 2015

This is a perfect example of how only part of the story on the southern border is being depicted. I’m sure they do have these cameras on farms and ranches to help catch illegal aliens and stop the cartels pushing drugs and guns over the border. But that is deceptive in the extreme. Most of the border is not covered at all and the number of illegals that are being caught is down about 80%. Those that are being caught are being released per Obama’s directives. As far as drugs go, the heroin trade in the US is the worst in history and the cartels now have footholds all over the US. We haven’t slowed them down at all – in fact, their business is a boomin’.

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