Articles about Christianity

Who Brought the Gospel to Korea? Koreans Did.

We tend to think that Christianity entered foreign lands only due to missionary work. Not so in Korea. Until the late 19th century, the mountainous Korean Peninsula was governed tightly by a Confucian tradition and closed off to most foreigners. Missionaries found it difficult to penetrate the reclusive nation, focusing instead on Korea’s larger neighbors, China and Japan. Consequently, Koreans themselves played a more significant role in importing and later spreading Christianity to Korea. Read More

Should We Keep the Sabbath?

Some groups today, such as the Seventh-day Adventists, teach that keeping the seventh-day Sabbath is a perpetual moral law meant for all people, and that not keeping it is a sign of apostasy and disloyalty to God. They base their belief on Genesis 2:1–3, which tells of God resting after His creative work and then sanctifying the Sabbath day, and on the fourth commandment. They also argue that the New Testament teaches the continuity of seventh-day Sabbath observance by Christ’s followers, even after Christ’s death. These beliefs, however, are misguided. There is no universal moral obligation given in Genesis 2 to keep the Sabbath. Read More

UMC Minnesota Conference Removes ‘Father’ From Apostles’ Creed for Worship Service

The Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church edited the historic Apostles’ Creed so that it removed references to God as “Father” for a worship service.

The Apostles’ Creed is an affirmation of Christian faith that goes back to the early Church and is still common in many churches that include liturgy as part of worship.

At the multiday Minnesota Conference, which went from May 30–June 1, liturgical folders reportedly included a copy of the creed that removed gender specific language for God, changing “God the Father Almighty” to “God the Creator Almighty” and “Jesus Christ His Only Son” to “Jesus Christ God’s Only Son.” Read More

Stories of Christian Persecution

Stories from all over the world about how people are maintaining their faith in the midst of brutal persecution, violence, and threats. Read More

Evangelical College Azusa Pacific Agrees to Allow LGBT Relationships; Conservatives Slam ‘Surrender’

Evangelical College Azusa Pacific announced last week that it will be allowing LGBT relationships for students on campus following years of pressure.

Zu Media, the student paper, reported last week that officials at the Christian university in California have decided to remove language from the student standard of conduct that previously prohibited such relationships on campus.

APU has said that despite the change, set to take effect in the Fall 2018 semester, it still backs the “Biblical principles of human sexuality,” in the belief that “sexual union is intended by God to take place only within the marriage covenant between a man and a woman.” Read More

Pelosi Omits Christians as She Lists Religious Persecutions Around World

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi failed to mention Christians as she listed religious persecutions around the world Thursday.

The House speaker spoke Thursday morning in Washington, D.C., at the National Prayer Breakfast where she prayed for those who are persecuted because of their religion. She listed people of Buddhist, Muslim, and Jewish faiths before generalizing about other persecuted religions.

“Oh, Lord, we thank all gathered at this prayer breakfast for lifting our voices for the poor and the persecuted, the millions who are missing or murdered because of their faith,” Pelosi, who is a Catholic, prayed. Read More

Christ, Not Trump, is the Solid Rock on Which We Stand

Do you remember when Ann Coulter shocked Bill Maher’s audience in 2015, projecting that Donald Trump was the most likely of the declared Republican candidates to win the election? To the shock of many, she was right.

And do you remember when she wrote In Trump We Trust in 2016? That’s how deeply she believed that Trump was the man.

Today she is one of Trump’s most vehement critics, to the point of crude insult. What happened?

The title of her book says it all. She put too much trust in a man. Read More