2nd Amendment Rights


Returning Honesty to the Gun Control Debate
Gear for Patriots


Gun Control Comes from a Place of Privilege

The concept of privilege gets a bad rap in many circles, and understandably so. Many have taken it way too far, using it as a means of bullying their political opponents into submission. But while the excesses of this rhetoric are certainly problematic, I don’t think we should do away with the concept entirely. Behind all the moral grandstanding lies a kernel of truth, one that can provide some valuable insights if applied correctly.

The principle, essentially, is that certain people have unearned advantages, and those advantages can shape how they see the world. Affluence, for instance, can make someone blind to the needs of the poor. Likewise, those with an above average aptitude, intelligence, or physical appearance might find it difficult to relate to those who were not equally endowed with those gifts.

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3D Printed Ruger Pistol Demonstrated by BuckOfama

A shade tree gunsmith posting at LiveLeak under the nom de plume BuckOfama demonstrates a 3D printed a receiver he turned out for the popular Ruger Charger pistol. The video shows the gun in operations, which appears to work quite well. It has always been legal to make your own firearms in the United States, as long as you don’t make prohibited weapons. At the end of the video, the experimenter notes: “If you take my gun, I will just print another one” . . .

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